Researchers: Anne-Heloise Dautel, Irem Bugdayci, Robert Wuss
Researchers: Anne-Heloise Dautel, Irem Bugdayci, Robert Wuss
The Entangled Eye features Luna and Laika, two scaled-up robotic lamps with curious and animate behaviours programmed to elicit your attention. As the whimsical creatures chase for your eyes with unique kinematic expressions, the direction of your gaze. orchestrates a conversation, creating a complex system of entanglement within a wondrous environment. The indeterminacy of attention, coupled with the animacy of kinetic movement, constitutes the basis of our attempt at reconfiguring and understanding the perceptual experience of behavioural artefacts. This then shapes how we performatively construct meaning. While learning from one’s eye behaviour in the environment, the installation aims to expose the subjectivity of vision and perception, finding its constitution in the human as much as the machinic.