The Wooster Group A PINK CHAIR (In Place of a Fake Antique) with Zbigniew Bzymek, Enver Chakartash, Jim Fletcher, Ari Fliakos, Gareth Hobbs, Erin Mullin, Suzzy Roche, Danusia Trevino, and Kate Valk Directed and Designed by Elizabeth LeCompte Dramaturge: Dorota Krakowska Set: Eric Dyer Lighting: Jennifer Tipton and Ryan Seelig Sound and Original Music: Eric Sluyter, Omar Zubair Musical Director: Gareth Hobbs Video and Projections: Robert Wuss Additional Video: Zbigniew Bzymek, Wladimiro Woyno Costumes: Enver Chakartash Assistant Director: Matthew Dipple Stage Manager: Erin Mullin Scene Shop: Joseph Silovsky Studios Video Cueing System Development: Andrew Maillet Production Manager: Bona Lee A PINK CHAIR (In Place of a Fake Antique) was co-commissioned by the Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, Poland, and the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College, where it premiered at the Bard SummerScape Festival in 2017. In A PINK CHAIR (In Place of a Fake Antique), The Wooster Group weaves together live performance, music, and video in an encounter with the work of visionary Polish artist, writer, and stage director Tadeusz Kantor (1915-1990). A PINK CHAIR takes the form of a conversation between The Wooster Group and Kantor's daughter, Dorota Krakowska. Together, they investigate the theatrical rite of communication with spirits past, including Kantor’s penultimate stage production, I Shall Never Return. Production History 2017 July 13 - 23: Bard SummerScape, LUMA Theater, the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. Photo @ Paula Court. Courtesy of The Wooster Group.